Satisfaction Guarantee:

Love+Earth wants you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. As a result, we offer 100% satisfaction guarantee on all merchandise offerings*. To ensure we meet this standard, we offer only premium, branded merchandise. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will replace, credit, or refund your order*. Please contact a Love+Earth Customer Care Representative via email at within 15 days of delivery of your order and your issue will be resolved.
* Refunds may require merchandise return.


Love+Earth will gladly take back any orders that do not meet your requirements within 15 days of your purchase's arrival. * If you wish to return an item, please notify a Love+Earth Customer Care Representative via email at

Please DO NOT return the items to an address on the packing materials or the website. In many cases the facility processing the return will not be the same as the one that shipped your merchandise. Your Love+Earth team will provide you with the specific information needed and will be pleased to address any other questions or concerns at that time.


* Refunds may require merchandise return. Credit will be posted to your account or a refund issued upon receipt and inspection of the returned merchandise.

Order Changes and Cancellations:

Your Love+Earth team will make every effort, upon your request, to change or cancel your order. If your order has not yet started the pick and pack warehouse process, no additional charge or cancellation fees will be applied. In the case of changes, fees may vary from the original pricing depending on your requirements. 

If the order has reached the pick and pack warehouse process, there may be cancellation or change charges that apply. All charges will be a direct pass through to you. In the case of changes, fees may vary depending on your requirements. 

If an item has already been picked and packed and left the warehouse, unfortunately, we cannot stop or change the order. We can, if you wish, prevent shipment or redirect it. You will be charged the original amount quoted for all orders cancelled at this stage.

Copyrights and Trademarks:

Love+Earth logo or design, or using logos stored on the site, we warrant and represent that we are the sole, legal owner or licensee of all rights, including copyright, to each copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, statement, portrait, graphic, artwork, photograph, picture or illustration of any person or any other intellectual property included in such design. 

Further, we warrant and represent that no part of the design: (a) violates or infringes upon any common law or statutory right of any person or entity, including, but not limited to, rights relating to copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, moral rights or rights of public performance; (b) is the subject of any notice of such infringement you have received; or (c) is subject to any restriction or right of any kind or nature whatsoever which would prevent Love+Earth from legally reproducing the images or text submitted. 

All items shown on this web site containing corporate logos or registered trademarks are shown only to illustrate Love+Earth logo reproduction capabilities. Purchase of merchandise from Love+Earth in no way, shape or form grants you permission to reproduce logos, nor does it transfer, grant or lease ownership of any logos or trademarks to you.